
Urban Ecology Centre


Urban Ecology Centre
789 chaussée de Waterloo
1180 Brussels
50° 47' 40.902" N, 4° 22' 24.7836" E




yolanda Porto
41° 8' 25.4364" N, 8° 36' 52.758" W
Level of activity: 

Yo was born in a small town in the Netherlands. She lost both her parents when she was very young. She grew up with different families, and later  in a house with other young people in similar circumstances. Yo has an older sister who started squatting houses when Yo was in her early teens. So collective ways of living and the unconventional is something Yo is very familiar with and comfortable with.

Andrew Wanliss-Orlebar


Andrew's home London
United Kingdom
51° 33' 39.6396" N, 0° 5' 19.4964" W

Andrew is English, but spent his youth with his parents in France. Growing up, he had some environmental awareness, but did not plan a career or a life in the field. After going to university, he kept in touch with his friends, and was impressed by their level of material success and interested in who had bought a new car. Until one day he wasn’t. Without realising it, he had shifted his value system, and was much more interested in quality of life, seeing if his friends were happy and having meaningful relationships. 

Lucie's work


Lucie is a self-educated woman. She has gathered her knowledge and training from a number of different learning experiences, both formal and informal. She has taken several courses and has a broad work background. Until recently, Lucie worked for Trias a Belgian development organisation. Her work included development of strategic fundraising plan, on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for the not for profit sector supplement and of GRI sustainability report. She was also on the board of directors of MO magazine.

Lucie Evers


Lucie's home Gent
51° 3' 14.0868" N, 3° 41' 29.0616" E

Steven Vromman


Steven's home Ghent
51° 3' 33.6636" N, 3° 45' 11.4012" E

Steven grew up in a small village in Flanders in times where everything was possible and there were no limits. In his early teens he began questioning things, and he became more and more involved in North – South issues, human rights and justice. On a trip to Bolivia, at the age of 26, he was confronted with the reality of the situation for the first time, and seeing with his own eyes the disparity, he was determined to do something about it.

Carolien's work

Level of activity: 

Carolien is an academic researcher, focusing on issues of urban development and patterns of food consumption. During her year without money, she took a break from her job and worked directly with the people she made bartering agreements with, which made her year very busy and professionally diverse.


Carolien Hoogland


51° 55' 50.5848" N, 4° 28' 56.7192" E
Level of activity: 

Carolien became passionate about nature and social equality at a young age. She was devastated watching the news about animal species getting extinct, and her empathy for people, other creatures and nature was awakened.


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