Shabnam's work

Change instigator & blogger


Shabnam first conducted a Master  in Business law. After that she worked for IBM Europe and as interesting as that was, she knew that she wanted something else. So she went to the Sorbonne University where she completed another Master in Environmental law. Her final thesis was on seed trade and the legal implications and regulation of seed exchange. This led to her PhD (JurisDoctor, J.D.) in environmental business law on "Seeds and the Law, Sectoral regulation governed by one business model." She was also a director of an umbrella organisation for French environmental NGOs France Nature Environnement.

Shabnam currently writes for three blogs.
Her Ripe Green Ideas (faisons mûrir les idées vertes), aims to bring forth solutions and green ideas that are already available.
SUV (sens & utilités en vrac) is a blog she writes for the French magazine L'Express that is mainly on business and literature,  in a hope to reach out to people outside of the "green" sphere.
Un truc par jour is a blog that Shabnam writes along with 5 other people. They provide only green tips they actually do: to show it is possible and share their personal experience. At the beginning they thought they would reach perhaps 100 tips, but they are now up to 656 and counting.
She started blogging to organise her ideas, to find them a place and to share them with family and friends. What she discovered along the way was that through blogging, she connected with a lot of people.

"you realise you are not alone, and what you are saying is useful to other people, and what they are saying is useful to you"

Shabnam is in the middle of starting up her own company, working as an independent, but nonetheless in collaboration with others. Her specialisation is to work with companies and people to find their own simple, less costly and more enjoyable sustainable solutions.

"There are more solutions than problems"


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