Looking for practical advise? Here are some of the things that people are doing to find a more sustainable way to live. You can use the comment feature to ask your own questions!

  • Denis' Q&A - Antwerp, Belgium

    Q: What can we do here in Europe for Gorilla conservation?
    It is certain that the survival of gorillas and other endangered great ape species will be determined by the people who live in close proximity of their habitat; however these people must be actively supported by the rest of the world if we are to safe our closest relatives (the great apes) from extinction. Europeans can raise awareness about the need to protect gorillas, support conservation projects, protest the unethical use of primates in medical research, and demand that European companies exploiting timber and mineral resources in gorilla range countries adhere to strict environment standards. Europeans can also support development efforts in range countries aimed at offsetting pressures on forest extractive processes.

  • Cristina's Q&A - Milan, Italy

    Q: Where do you get your sustainable meat from?
    From my community group, or GAS which stands for gruppo di acquisto solidale. The one I’m subscribed to is run by Casimiro Fumagalli. Casimiro buys poultry from a local farm and meat from another. I’m mostly vegetarian and do not eat meat unless it’s been raised on healthy food in a healthy environment. We sometimes eat rabbit that we buy at the street market in our neighborhood.

  • Yolanda's Q&A - Porto, Portugal

    Q: Do you have a recipe for organic tradtional bread
    Making bread, is not only about the milliliters of water, grams of flour and a bit of salt. It is more interesting to mix ingredients with care, enjoy the manual work and create a delicious product. This recipe is based on using sourdough. Sourdough consists of flour & water and can be activated with something sweet: sugar or honey for example.

  • Pedro's Q&A - Porto, Portugal

    Q: How do you make your own soap & deodorant?
    Cristina tried this recipe she found online on The magical chart website. The ingredients are lye, water, caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), lavender and olive oil, other essential oils of choice. One batch makes about 20 soaps and the instructions on the website are very good. They're great for the skin, and you can dilute after they are ready to use for laundry and as liquid detergent.

  • Vera's Q&A - Porto, Portugal

    Q: Where do you buy your food in Porto?
    I order my fruit & vegetables from an organic production in Tondela  (about 100km distance) that delivers in Porto twice a week.

  • Andrew's Q&A - London, UK

    Q: What are some of your favourite books on the subject?
    Paul Gilding's The Great Disruption, a great reading of the global crisis and how we are beyond worrying about carbon footprints. He prepares you for what's really coming next.

  • Nick's Q&A - Leuven, Belgium

    Q: Do you have a green phone company?
    Not really, rather a non-profit phone company that transfers all the profits to projects in the South. Even better: you can choose between the 8 projects they have to which one your money goes to. The rates are the same as the normal rates and I now pay around 30 euro a month for my cell phone, being an average user I think. The company operates in Belgium and is called Ello Mobile.  They use the network of one of the 3 operators so the coverage is the same.

  • Lucie's Q&A - Ghent, Belgium

    How do you do your day to day transport?
    I use a combination of ways: bike, train, walking, bus, car…

  • Shabnam's Q&A - Paris, France
    Q: Where do you buy your food?
    There is a fantastic organic shop in my neighbourhood in Paris called Le retour à la terre. Catherine Chalom, who started the shop, used to work as an engineer for Renault and who then changed her life, started farming and opened this place. A lady with ethics, a story and a real activist.
  • Steven's Q&A - Ghent, Belgium
    Q: Where to you keep your money?
    Most common banks invest in things we would not like to support. More info.
    I have my savings account with the Triodos ethical bank
  • Carolien's Q&A - Rotterdam, Netherlands

    <Q: How do you do your laundry?
    For laundry I use laundry soap nuts, you can get them in any bio shop. It costs the fraction of conventional detergent, and the nuts have the same effect. You put a few nuts in with your laundry, and you can reuse them a few times, if you don’t wash at too high temperature

  • Filip's Q&A - Brussels, Belgium

    Q: How do you cook more energy efficient?
    I cut my vegetables into smaller pieces before cooking them. Also, I use just enough water to cover them. Sometimes I put one pot on top of the other to use the heat to the fullest. Good pots and pans are important

  • Tom's Q&A - Leuven, Belgium

    Q: How do you deal with little insects that like to eat herbs in pots?
    I am not so experienced with food grown in pots, healthy soil is very important, and you can spray a mild soap and water mix on the leaves. It doesn't harm the plants but the bugs don't like it.

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