Reykjavik, Hafnarfjörður and the wild wild herbs

We arrived last night at Keflavik airport. The sun was still up at 21.30 in the evening and it was refreshing getting the cool wind in the face after the traveling.
Our friend Katla surprised us by picking us up and taking us to our friends' Vala and Haddi who are hosting us this week. Yup a great start that gets only better!
This morning we woke up looked out our window at the main street in Reykjavik and then excitedly headed off to do our first interview...

We went to visit Sóley Elíasdóttir at  Sóley Organics in hafnarfjörður.

It was super great. Sóley makes skin care products made from hand-picked, wild, Icelandic herbs.

Sóley's story is fantastic. We can't wait to view the footage, work on it, and share it here.

She started in her kitchen using her family's long traditional knowledge of using herbs for healing. There she cooked up the recipes for her current skin care line. And she still goes to pick the wild herbs outside in the Icelandic nature.

Local and natural ingredients that grow in abundance, produced locally with respect for nature, unique quality products that smell super good. Great idea Sóley! And thank you thank you thank you for generously giving us so many to try!!!

We took the bus back to Reykjavik, excited to start trying our new goodies and tonight we'll have a good time with some friends. It's good to be home



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