Day 2 in Oslo with Maiken and a permaculture workshop

We spent all day with fabulous Maiken. We met her family, she told us about her permaculture projects, we visited urban garden plots and tasted edible flowers...

Then we went to a workshop that Maiken was giving at this great TøyenHageKlubb where we learned more about the concept of permaculture. The place is great, and really about creating a green and social space for the neighbourhood.

At the end of the workshop, Mikkel Strandbygaard who is one of the people responsible for TøyenHageKlubb cooked dinner for everyone who wanted to eat. It was open and free to any person walking past the place. At the centre we also met up with our Norwegian project partner Margrethe Valler and Helene Gallis another inspiring urban gardening lady who works with children in the neighbourhood. What a great day! 

...And now we have a glass of biodynamic wine that Sissel bought today and look forward to tomorrow's interview!


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